We believe that all young children should have equal access to high-quality education in their early years. To ensure all stakeholders understand our commitment to equality and fairness in education, there is a need for clarity about the priorities, criteria, and procedures for allocating places at GINAPS Primary School.

Our school policies cover every aspect of school life for your child. GINAPS Primary School admits pupils from 5 years of age. To seek admission for your child, call the school to arrange a suitable time to pass by and complete the necessary forms and have a look around. An admissions form is also available to download below and can be completed and returned to the school.

What to expect

Arrangements for selecting children who apply and the allocation of places are written in detail in our Admissions document which you can download or view below. But here are a few things to expect when seeking admission for your child.

  • We have a fair and consistent process for allocating places, following the criteria contained in the Admissions Policy document.
  • Usually, parents will be notified of their child’s primary school place the same day or at latest 2 days after applying.
  • Parents can register their child for a Primary School place from the day they turn 5.

Enrollment begins in June for the following September’s school year. After enrolling, we will invite you to take a tour of GINAPS to be sure it is the place you want for your child. During the tour, we introduce you to our school’s philosophy, have you meet our wonderful teachers, see our classrooms, and visit our beautiful playground.

We are now welcoming applications for admission